7 Best Beaches in Yogyakarta

Yogyakarta Special Region, or simply called Jogja is famous for its culture and heritage. Moreover, Yogyakarta offers beautiful landscape and natural tourist destination, one of them is the beaches.

There are a lot of gorgeous and stunning beaches in Jogja. You can visit both white sandy beaches and black sandy beaches. In Jogja, there are many rocky beaches too.

If you are an angler, do not forget to bring your fishing tackle, because Jogja is the paradise of surf angler.

This time Kailbayu will summarize some of the most beautiful beaches in Jogja,

beach near prambanan temple, close by, jogja, yogya,
Parangtritis, source: id.wikipedia.org

Parangtritis beach

Parangtritis is one of the popular beaches in Yogyakarta. The location is not far from the Jogja City and it is in an imaginary line, among Mount Merapi, Yogyakarta Palace, and Parangtritis Beach.

Parangtritis beach is so crowded by the traveler on Weekends and at holidays. You can walk around Parangtritis beach on a horse carriage for sightseeing or catch a fish by surf fishing along the beach.

stunning beaches in gunung kidul, wonosari, rute, hotel, penginapan
Wediombo beach source: id.wikipedia.org

Wediombo Beach

Wediombo Beach is located at the eastern tip of Gunung Kidul, one of the regencies in Yogyakarta. Wediombo beach is a vast expanse of white sand and combined with coral rocks between two beautiful hills.

Considered one of the most beautiful beaches in Yogyakarta, Wediombo beach always crowded of travelers, although it takes at least two hours by a ride from Jogja.

A lot of anglers come to Wediombo beach for fishing, because there are some stunning and extream rock fishing spots in here. Snorkeling and surfing are also available here.

Don’t forget to bring spare clothes, cause a beautiful natural lagoon exists in Wediombo beach which will charm you to leap off the bounders to the water to get a fresh dip.

Baron Beach

If you are on vacation to Gunung Kidul, do not forget to stop by at the Baron Beach. Baron beach has stunning and unique views, here you can see the mouth of the underground river.

Baron beach is also the Gunung Kidul seafood culinary center, moreover, you can buy fresh fish here, because the Baron beach is also a harbor for local fishermen.

There is a lighthouse on the Baron beach, and you can access it to see the nice landscape from the top.

pulang sawal, indrayanti, restaurant, cafe, beach , krakal,
Pulang Sawal beach, source: id.wikipedia.org

Pulang Sawal Beach

Pulang sawal Beach is perhaps the most famous beach in Gunung Kidul. You can enjoy the beauty of Pulang Sawal Beach from the top of the cliff beside the beautiful white sand.

In addition, you can also enjoy the beauty of the Pulang Sawal beach while enjoying seafood dishes at the restaurant here or just sitting in the gazebo.

 Pok Tunggal Beach

The next white sand beach that you should visit is Pok Tunggalbeach. Here, it grows a Duras tree that becomes the Pok Tunggal beach icon.

Pok Tunggal beach is the perfect place to enjoy the beautiful sunset, or just find camping ground and spend your night at Pok Tunggal beach.

fishing, angling, angler, spot, rock angler, wild animal
Kesirat beach , source: id.wikipedia.org

Kesirat Beach

Kesirat beach is a gorgeous and untouched beach. Today, tourists from all over the world come to this beach.

Kesirat Beach offers different natural landscape with the beaches which have been mentioned above. Don’t imagine you will touch the water directly because when you visit Kesirat beach you are on the top of a rocky hill which adjacents to the sea.

If you are lucky, you will see big fish or turtle fish that swim near the cliff. Moreover, some wild monkeys sometimes are seen on the trees.

On the shore of Kesirat also grows a tree that becomes this beach icon and here is the perfect place to see the sunset as well as for fishing.
beach near borobudur, hotel, water breaker, wave, fishing, camping ground
Glagah Beach, source: ig @meggiwulandari

Glagah Indah Beach

Glagah Indah Beach is located in the southwest of Jogja city, approximately one hour drive from Malioboro.

Glagah Beach is a wide black sandy beach which has a beautiful and the most popular water breaker in Jogja.

The perfect time to visit the beach of Jogja is in the morning or evening, to see either the beautiful sunset or sunrise or just fishing at Glagah Indah Beach.

Furthermore, Glagah Indah Beach has a nice wide lagoon, it’s available for you to get around the lagoon using a boat or find a spot to relax for fishing and wait for the fish to bite.

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