How To Catch A Marble Sleeper

Marble Sleeper or often called as Marble Goby is a freshwater fish which prefer quiet water with 1 to 3 meters depth, even you can find it swamps, lakes, and rivers.

Marble sleeper prefers to live at the bottom of a river waiting for the preys, indeed Marble sleeper is a passive fish, but don’t underestimate the power of it. It has appealing power which attracts the angler to catch it.

So, If you want to feel the power of a Marble sleeper at the end of your line. KailBayu has written the guide which will help you learn how to find, hook and catch Marble Sleeper.

Let’s jump right in...

marble sleeper, lazy snakehead, marble goby
Marble Sleeper

It turns out easy to catch fish Marble sleeper, because of they always hungry and ready to grab the bait, sooner or later.

The most important thing is to determine the point where fish Marble sleeper is. Pay close attention to the deepest points on the rivers or lakes.

 Marble sleeper fish usually live alone or in pairs. I never found a marble sleeper living in a group, besides the smaller ones.

So if you have got a large size Marble sleeper fish at one point, you can throw the bait at different points. But the next day, maybe the point is filled by another marble sleeper again. Because Marble sleeper will find the most comfortable point for silence.

On fishing marble sleeper, use ordinary freshwater fishing equipment such as 1 to 2 meters long rod, line, and hook size 7 - 8. Don’t use a too small hook, because it has a wide mouth.

Worms and shrimps are the good choices for the bait, while you can use grasshopper or other insects.

Throw your bait at the deepest point, or if you try to catch marble goby on the river, pay close attention to a point which has the calm water.

I advise you to use a sinker than a floater, why? Because we have to put the bait near the fish at the bottom of the water, remember that marble goby is a passive fish, and prefers staying at the bottom waiting for a prey crossing it.

If the tip of your rod is shacking, strike your rod immediately before it swallows the bait and the hook by it wide mouth whole. 

Do not ask how it feels when fighting against Marble sleeper, just do it and feel it by your rod.

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