Kesirat Beach, an Extreme Fishing Spot for Beginners

Kesirat beach is one of tourist attractions which are not much known by tourists. Kesirat or Gesirat Beach not only offers beautiful scenery but also a potential fishing spot. if you are an angler and you like an extreme fishing, you must try to fish in this fishing spot.
Kesirat Beach, an Extreme Fishing Spot for Beginners
Kesirat Beach

Perhaps, it's the first time for you to hear the name of Kesirat beach. Because this beach is relatively new in open as a tourist attraction. But do not worry, the access road from Yogyakarta city to the beach is good and can be reached by car.

The way to the Kesirat beach from the main road is already asphalt and smooth. There are also existing parking facilities as well as stalls.

Kesirat beach is an unspoiled beach and highly recommended for those who want to travel to the mountain at the same time want to travel to the beach. Kesirat beach is not a sandy beach, but rocky coasts.

You can camp here. In addition, you can also fish on this beach.

If you are a rock fishing lover, you should try to fish in this beach. On the  Kesirat beach you can use most of rock fishing techniques, using either natural bait or using casting techniques.

If you've never been fishing from the high place or mountain side and you want to learn, Kesirat beach is one of the right spots for learning and practice for a newbie angler.

There are cliffs that are not too high and it is suitable for beginners. You can consult with a parking guard before fishing, because he is also an angler.

For you, who wanna looking for sunset in Jogja. Do not miss the Kesirat beach if you are visiting Yogyakarta. It’s a good place for taking a sunset picture.

The distance between Kesirat beach and Yogyakarta city is only about 40 km or can be reached just about an hour by motorcycle.

The beach is located in the Girikarto village, Panggang, Gunung Kidul. To get in the Kesirat Beach, I recommend you by passing Parangtritis road.

Do not forget to take pictures with the background of a large tree that grows in the coastal area when you are visiting Kesirat beach. The tree is an icon of Kesirat beach. For visitors or newbie anglers, please be careful to keep a distance from the shoreline. Remember, the Kesirat beach is not a sandy beach ramps, but the cliff which directly adjacent to the sea.

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